Major Grasslands of the World: Map, Locations and Key Features

Grasslands are vast, open landscapes primarily covered by grasses with few or no trees. These ecosystems are vital to global biodiversity, supporting a wide range of plant and animal species.

Found on every continent except Antarctica, grasslands vary greatly in climate, from the tropical savannas of Africa to the cold steppes of Eurasia. They are also key regions for agriculture, providing essential resources for human populations.

This article provides a comprehensive overview of the major grasslands of the world, covering their types, continent-wise locations, and key features. It also includes a free downloadable PDF map.

Map of Major Grasslands of the World

Please Note: The types of grasslands and key features of each major grassland around the world are discussed later in this article.

List of Major Grasslands of the World

The table below provides a list of major grasslands of the world along with their types and continent-wise locations:

PrairiesNorth AmericaTemperate
(Europe and Asia)
PampasSouth AmericaTemperate
LlanosSouth AmericaTropical
CamposSouth AmericaTropical
African SavannaAfricaTropical
Australian SavannaOceaniaTropical

Types of Grasslands

Grasslands are broadly classified based on their geographical location and climatic conditions. The two main types of grasslands are:

  1. Temperate Grasslands
  2. Tropical Grasslands (Savannas)

Temperate Grasslands

  • Climate: Characterized by hot summers, cold winters, and moderate rainfall (25-75 cm annually).
  • Geographical Distribution: Found primarily in North America (Prairies), South America (Pampas), Eurasia (Steppes), and parts of southern Africa and Australia.
  • Vegetation: Dominated by grasses and wildflowers, with tallgrass prairies in wetter areas and shortgrass prairies in drier regions. Limited tree cover due to insufficient rainfall.
  • Soil: Fertile, nutrient-rich soils ideal for agriculture, especially in North America.
  • Wildlife: Supports diverse wildlife, including herbivores like bison and predators like wolves.
  • Often referred to as the “breadbaskets of the world” due to their role in global food production.

Some important Temperate Grasslands around the world are:

1. Prairies

  • Found mainly in North America, with hot summers, cold winters, and moderate rainfall.
  • Dominated by tall and short grasses like bluestem and buffalo grass, with minimal tree cover.
  • Extremely fertile soils, ideal for agriculture, especially wheat and corn production.
  • Home to wildlife like bison, prairie dogs, and various bird species.
  • Periodic wildfires help maintain the grassland ecosystem by preventing tree encroachment.

2. Pustaz

  • Found in Hungary, forming part of the Eurasian Steppe.
  • Characterized by flat, treeless plains with a semi-arid climate.
  • Dominated by grasses and salt-tolerant plants, adapted to drought conditions.
  • Traditionally used for grazing livestock, particularly horses, sheep, and cattle.
  • Important for bird species, including the great bustard and various migratory birds.

3. Steppes

  • Found in Eurasia, particularly across Russia, Ukraine, and Kazakhstan.
  • Characterized by vast, treeless plains with hot summers and cold winters.
  • Dominated by short grasses and drought-resistant plants due to low rainfall.
  • Historically home to nomadic herders and grazing animals like wild horses and saiga antelopes.

4. Manchuria

  • Located in northeastern China, covering parts of Inner Mongolia and Manchuria.
  • Experiences a temperate climate with hot summers, cold winters, and moderate rainfall.
  • Dominated by a mix of grasses and shrubs, with some patches of forested areas.

5. Pampas

  • Found in Argentina, Uruguay, and parts of Brazil.
  • Characterized by flat, fertile plains with mild winters and hot, humid summers.
  • Dominated by tall grasses like pampas grass, with very few trees.
  • Known for its rich soils, ideal for agriculture, especially cattle ranching and wheat production.

6. Veld

  • Found in South Africa, Zimbabwe, and Botswana.
  • Characterized by rolling plateaus with a moderate climate—hot summers and cool winters.
  • Dominated by grasses and scattered shrubs, with trees mainly found near water sources.
  • Home to wildlife such as antelope, zebras, and predators like lions and cheetahs.

7. Downs

  • Found in Australia, particularly in the eastern regions like Queensland and New South Wales.
  • Characterized by gently rolling, treeless plains with a semi-arid to temperate climate.
  • Dominated by tough, drought-resistant grasses like Mitchell grass and bluegrass.
  • Primarily used for sheep and cattle grazing, contributing to Australia’s wool and beef industries.
  • Wildlife includes kangaroos, emus, and various bird species.

8. Canterbury

  • Located in the Canterbury Plains on New Zealand’s South Island.
  • Characterized by flat to gently rolling terrain with a temperate climate and moderate rainfall.
  • Dominated by tussock grasses and used extensively for sheep farming and dairy production.
  • Known for highly fertile soils, supporting both livestock grazing and crop farming, especially wheat.

Tropical Grasslands (Savannas)

  • Climate: Warm year-round with distinct wet and dry seasons, receiving 50-150 cm of rainfall annually.
  • Geographical Distribution: Found in regions like Africa (Savannas), South America, India, and northern Australia.
  • Vegetation: Dominated by grasses with scattered trees like acacias and baobabs, adapted to periodic droughts and fires.
  • Wildlife: Home to iconic species such as elephants, lions, giraffes, zebras, and a variety of herbivores and predators.

Some important Tropical Grasslands around the world are:

1. Llanos

  • Found in northern South America, primarily in Venezuela and Colombia.
  • Characterized by vast tropical grasslands with a distinct wet and dry season.
  • Dominated by grasses with scattered trees, particularly palms and gallery forests near rivers.
  • Known for seasonal flooding during the wet season, transforming large areas into wetlands.
  • Home to diverse wildlife, including capybaras, anacondas, jaguars, and the Orinoco crocodile.

2. Campos

  • Found in southern Brazil, Uruguay, and parts of northern Argentina and Paraguay.
  • Dominated by tall grasses, with scattered shrubs and small trees, particularly in wetter areas.
  • Primarily used for cattle and sheep grazing, as well as agriculture, especially soybeans and grains.
  • Wildlife includes species like pampas deer, armadillos, and rheas.

3. African Savanna

  • Found across sub-Saharan Africa, including countries like Kenya, Tanzania, and South Africa.
  • Characterized by vast tropical grasslands with a distinct dry season and a rainy season.
  • Dominated by grasses with scattered acacia trees and baobabs, well-adapted to drought and fires.
  • Home to iconic wildlife, including elephants, lions, zebras, giraffes, and antelope species.

4. Australian Savanna

  • Found in northern Australia, spanning regions like Queensland, the Northern Territory, and Western Australia.
  • Characterized by tropical grasslands with a distinct wet and dry season.
  • Dominated by eucalyptus trees and tall grasses, adapted to seasonal fires and drought conditions.
  • Home to unique wildlife, including kangaroos, wallabies, emus, and reptiles like monitor lizards.

Other Grassland Types

Some other major grassland types around the world are:

  • Montane Grasslands:
    • Located in high-altitude regions.
    • Experience cooler temperatures and may have seasonal snowfall.
    • Examples: Tibetan Plateau, Andean Mountain grasslands.
  • Flooded Grasslands:
    • Occur in regions with seasonal or year-round flooding.
    • Rich in biodiversity, including aquatic species.
    • Examples: Pantanal in Brazil, Everglades in the USA.
  • Desert Grasslands:
    • Found in arid regions with sparse vegetation.
    • Examples: Karoo in South Africa, Great Basin in the USA.
Picture of Subodh Sharma

Subodh Sharma

I am Subodh Sharma, an IIT Roorkee graduate, committed to assisting UPSC aspirants in their map-based preparation journey. Having dedicated over four years to preparing for the UPSC examinations myself, I deeply understand the challenges and frustrations aspirants face in finding quality maps-based content. The years of preparation have given me...

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